So el Senor Laporta have only one years left on his presidency with Barcelona. The vato is gonna be without a good chamba (work) so once his time is up he says he will come to Miami and be incharge of the Miami team himself!!! Mister Laporta has made a powerful team in Barcelona and he bring that winning experience and feeling to Miami. Burrito very excited about Barcelona Miami!
So Burrito want to say a few things... If Barcelona Miami is not going to happen then why would Barcelona make agreement with MLS and why would they tour the USA? Why would Barcelona sign agreement with FIU to use stadium? Burrito think MLS has already made agreement with Barcelona to award them the pinche Miami team but MLS being sneeky to not hurt other cities feelings. Every time a report comes out Barcelona acts like this is a done deal so Burrito think they know this thing is en la bolsa! (In the bag!) Ahuevo!
So what do you vatos think?
P.S. Everyone need to join the Ultras! Go here to join and Burrito send you 2 free quesadillas!http://www.miamisoccerfan.com/Soccer/Home.html
Disclaimer: Football-Soccer in Miami and Beyond is not to be held accountable nor responsible for any claims, comments, misspelled insults, bad grammar, nor anything written by Burrito. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.Warning: Frequent reading of subjects brought up by Burrito may cause diarrhea, erectile malfunctions or depression. Children please ask your parents for permission before reading.May the force be with you...